Thursday, January 26, 2012

Time For Support and Understanding

No matter how long you have been in an abusive relationship or out of the abusive relationship the tears still flow the same.
          ***No one seems to understand how anybody could fall victim of this pain filled love. Outsiders always typically have a more clear view then the insider; this is true, however I do not feel this way when it comes to domestic violence. There is no way for an outsider to comprehend what one goes through in an abusive relationship unless that outsiders themselves have travelled the same path and came out of the maze at the other end.
          ***My Hopes - Help others heal - Help others end their journey in their abusive maze.

Maze? Why do I call it this? Anyone who is POST abusive relationship can understand this. Anyone Currently in the relationship hopefully will understand soon - and anyone lucky enough to never have entered this "fun house" hopefully will only gain some insight by reading these posts.

Maze - Smoke and Mirrors - Confusion - Anxiety - Doubt - Misdirected

Movies and Lifetime shows often paint a picture of right and wrong. (From what I have seen) However; for someone in the relationship right and wrong becomes flipped. The abuser typically places the blame on the one's they abuse. "If you wouldn't have said this" or "You make me so crazy" or the ever so popular tear filled apology that starts to mean nothing because you receive this same tear filled apology each time you are abused. The abuse cycle can be confusing, cause anxiety, doubt within ourselves and lives.

     ***The only one way; we the abused believe to IMMEDIATELY feel some relief from the pain caused by the person we love is to be held by the person who hit, beat and put us down. This is why women get caught in the vicious cycle of abuse. The pain is so horrific that we seek out immediate relief; even though it is not the right thing to do, it offers a numbing affect.

    *** I want to provide that numbing affect. I want all woman who have and are going through this to stand together and give each other the numbing affect so that we can walk away from our abusers and say "NO MORE"


About Battered Woman Syndrome


  1. I am so glad you started this. :) xoxo.

  2. Thank you :) I'm so glad you're following! We all still need healing! Love you
